"I am concerned about the gold plating of regulations from Brussels which produces additional and unnecessary burdens. So we will abolish this requirement and reduce the burdens placed on you."
Gordon Brown
Speech to the CBI , November 2005
Charles Moore writing in the Spectator reporting on a single clause in a friend's employment contract ...
- Sexual Discrimination Act 1975, section 77 (4A)
- Equal Pay Act 1970
- Race Relations Act 1976, section 72 (4A)
- Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992, section 288 (2B)
- Disability Discrimination Act 1995, schedule 3A
- Employment Rights Act 1996, section 203 (3)
- Working Time Regulations Act 1998, regulation 35 (3)
- National Minimum Wage Act 1998, section 49 (A)
- Transnational Information and Consultation Regulations 1999, regulation 41 (4)
- Part-Time Workers Regulations 2000, regulation 41 (4)
- Fixed-Term Employees Regulations 2002, regulation 10
- Sexual Orientations Regulations 2003, para 2 of schedule 4
- Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, para 2 (2)
- Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004, reg 40 (4)
- Occupational and Personal Pensions Schemes Regulations 2006, para 12
- Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, para 2 of schedule 5
Oh to be an employment lawyer in the U.K.
Just look how many regulations have been introduced since he became Chancellor.